at work and at play:


(Henry David Thoreau)


The reason for their existance

The Pyrenean Shepherd is a loose-eyed herding and tending breed; he is a jack-of-all-trades.  When the farmer is out tending his flock, his little sheepdog is with him.   His purpose was to take the sheep, with the shepherd, back and forth to the grazing pastures each day and to aid the farmer in working with the flock management. These pastures are usually not fenced so some tending is also required.    He is also useful as an alarm system as nothing escapes his gaze and he is quick to bark a warning.  He generally works close to the flock with little direction given by the shepherd.   At the barn the farmer will also use his Pyr Shep to sort out individuals in the flock for milking or other purposes.  The Pyr Shep is a versatile all-purpose farm dog. The breed's focus is his master so when you walk away from the livestock, your Pyr Shep will follow.  When you are working with livestock and he sees you need his assistance he is quick to try and help out.  He uses every means within his body; his liveliness, his bark & bite to control the sheep successfully (unlike the Border Collies use of strong eye contact).  The herding instinct is still very strong in all Pyr Sheps.  Some shepherds would not have any other breed except the petit berger des pyrenees while others complain the breed is too lively, barks too much or bites too much.  Much depends on their training but inherently they are a useful, tireless worker for the farmer either at his farm or on the transhumance.
           The Pyr Shep is very quick and reactive in his style, but also very biddable.
We have now titled four of our females and three males competing at different levels of Canadian herding trials--often receiving "Reserve High in Trial" or "High In Trial" honors.



The Pyr Shep is a unique breed in the show ring.  There are very few being exhibited and this makes it difficult for judges to develop a good feel for the breed.  A pleasant dog exhibiting sound structure and temperament with no major faults will catch the eye of any judge and be remembered.  The quality and temperament of the dog being exhibited needs to be exemplary to ensure the breed develops a good reputation in the show ring. 

Raised properly, the pyr shep also makes an excellent dog for the Junior Handler.  A small pyr shep at 15-16" weighing around 20 lbs is very manageable for a young Junior Handler for either manipulating the dog's position or lifting it onto a grooming table for examination (the breed is examined on the table in the United States only).  At the same time, the characteristic devotion of the breed makes it such that the Junior Handler can easily keep the focus of his charge.  The pyr shep is always aware of what is going on around him in the ring and this offers a little challenge for his handler but nothing that a tasty morsel doesn't rectify.  Junior handlers are always asked questions about the dog they are exhibiting and information about the Pyr Shep is always interesting for youngsters to research and learn.

For the show ring the pyr shep is easily trained and exhibited as a "natural" breed.  His handler does not need to fuss with long periods of grooming nor is the dog stacked in an unnatural stance.  The breed's natural alert behavior keeps his eyes on his handler, while its typical mischievous smile and expression will usually keep the judge's eye on the breed.

The grooming requirements are very minimal.  His nails should be trimmed and his teeth clean.  The coat should be clean and free of tangles or debris.  Often times a good brushing will be enough to tidy and clean a coat up for the show ring.  The dog does not need to have a bath every time he is being exhibited in the show ring.  There is no trimming or scissoring of his coat because a major part of his allure is his rustic appearance.  The U.S. standard states that the breed's feet can be trimmed but I have not found this to be necessary.  In fact, considering the amount of coat the breed can possess the lack of coifing and fussing tests the patience of many professional dog show exhibitors with fingers itching to get busy trimming this or that!   If you have any questions regarding the grooming of your pyrenean shepherd then get in touch with your breeder.  If you are hiring a professional handler to show your dog make certain that the handler is aware of how you want the breed to be presented in the show ring.   If your Pyr Shep has the traditional cadenettes, a corded coat, then the cords can be split to keep their sizes even.  I have several dogs with this type of coat and because they are working dogs the cords will pick up debris such as hay and vegetation seeds so I do spend some time picking these bits out of the cords before exhibiting the dog.  I will also bath just the cords to get out any lingering odour of the barn.  But, I have also gone straight from the barn into the show ring and placed with high honors. 

When entering the ring with your pyr shep he needs to be trained to "stand" and "stay" and keep his attention focused on you, the handler.
Then the judge will usually ask you to trot your dog around the ring to examine his gait.  Although the pyr shep sometimes likes to enhance his performance with a few jumps in the air I would suggest this behavior be kept to an absolute minimum.  A lively trot on a loose leash will present the movement of the dog adequately.  When coming to a stop it is handy to teach your dog to "stop" or give him a signal that you are slowing down.  This prevents the dog from being pulled by the leash to a halt.  When the judge is examining your dog tell the dog to "stand" and "stay" then squat down beside the dog all the while encouraging him to "stay" still.  Do not allow your dog to jump at the judge or pull back from the judge.  Keep your dog's focus on YOU!  If your dog sits down then gently stand him up again.  If your dog is being examined on a table place the dog on the table and align his feet squarely then tell the dog to "stand" and "stay".  It is important not to rush through this process as that is often a signal to the dog that you are nervous and this results in the dog becoming nervous as well.

Always be proud of your dog and what the breed should be representing.  The breed was not developed to be a show dog.  It is a working farm dog and whether or not the dog lives on a farm does not matter as long as the owner, as a steward of the breed, conveys to others the respect the breed and its' heritage deserve.


This new sport called HOOPERS is a natural for the Pyrenean Shepherd and so much fun!
This simple sport, that is very popular in Europe, has blossumed from U.S. NADAC competitions to what is now a stand-alone sport competition just using four pieces of equipment, Hoops, Barrels, Gates and Tunnels.   These pieces are used to form a route for running a course.  Ultimately, the challenge and difficulty for the owner is training the dog to work at a distance from you.  In the beginning, the equipment is close and the training involved is teaching the dog the concept of listening to your verbal cues and watching your body language to determine the route that it is going to take and which obstacles it will be using to follow the set out course.

Here is a radom example of the sport being practiced by all sizes of dogs:
It is a very safe sport that is suitable for all people and dogs in excellent health or with limited movement disabilities or past injuries.  The people can remain stationary and call out directions to their dog to follow a set path or encourage their dog by luring with motion, food and toys when training.  The dogs can run at the speed they are most comfortable.  All the equipment used does not require any jumping or direct contact as the sport is not about performing the equipment but, literally, about "the journey"--a set route.  
The sport relies on the dog developing their natural propencity for working with their humans and the humans developing their communication skills with their dog and to trust their training and the dog. It is a partnership that devleops like no other and benefits the dog and owner in ALL aspects of daily life.  
The training to run through a hoop, or around a barrel, or through a short tunnel seem very simplistic but, when the reason for our dog to do this activity is for no other reason than to please us and make us happy, this is the foundation of the development of a very special relationship and communication between the dog and human.   The dog has no natural desire to run in circles or figure 8's but with the proper training the desire to please the owner grows and grows!  Working as partners through subtle communication skills involving verbal commands and body language is an artform.  Then adding the ever-increasing distance provides the competitive challenge that people enjoy and get excited about when trialing in different sports.
The sport requires a lot of "homework" at home so it is beneficial to have as much of the equipment at your home to practice regularly.  Luckily, it is very simple to make your own equipment and if your own yard is not big enough to set up small courses then a neighborhood park will also work well.  
The equipment and the game rules makes this sport all-inclusive for dogs and people of all ages, sizes, capabilities and speed.  Clean runs and clear instruction from a distance is all that is required so there is no stress on the handler or risk of injury.
There is more information and lots of videos on YouTube or  Facebook  Group:

There is more information at this website dedicated to teaching the sport:

All of the equipment needed for Hoopers is easily available to build yourself.  To begin Hoopers you need 3-6 Hoops and
one barrel-type object.  These few pieces of equipment will supply you and your dog with hours of practice and lots of challenges.
Below are all the obstacles needed for this sport.   If you do not wish to make your own it is available online.
Examples of  Hoopers Course Plans can be seen on Facebook:

Popup Garden Barrels, Laundry Barrels or Plastic Barrels
all are perfectly good for practicing as are a garbage can or pylon.


This gate is made from the plastic PVC frame of a child's goalie net.  The netting can be made from any type of available net material. The bottom rail can be removed and "T" legs added (like the hoop legs).  It is easy to design any square PVC frame and add the legs.  
4' x 4' is regulation size for competitions.


An excellent 1.5 m (regulation) x 30"  tunnel can be obtained from Kijiji or Marketplace on Facebook.  Search for "Ikea Bed Tent" and you will find lots of them for sale as they are sold with Ikea children's beds and soon the children tire of their tents so they pop up on the For Sale sites
I revamp them for the extra strength and stability I need for transporting them to different locations for teaching.  By replacing the thin plastic hoops with the aluminum lined plastic PEX pipe and by replacing the thin plastic spine that runs along the top with a wooden dowel,  it creates a tunnel that is very strong.  To that I attach two 5'   2"x2" pieces of wood to the bottom clamps. So now it is stable top and bottom and easily shaped to whatever size and width you require.  The plastic support rods are easily removed and the whole tent can be rolled up for transport.

Another Option for making your own tunnel at home:
Finished Hoops are 36" tall and 36" wide at the base.

If  you cannot find any flexible PEX tubing with the aluminum lining then another 1/2" flexible PEX water supply tubing will work or a hoola-hoop will also make a colourful Hoop arch!  The above type of Hoop does need the bottom base rail to retain its shape.


The PEX tubing above is perfect for making baseless Hoops because it has an aluminum lining and
will hold its shape whereas regular PEX plumbing pipe is just a suitable but will give you a more rounded hoop.  The aluminum lined PEX pipe can be ordered online or inquire with a construction company that installs under-floor heating pipe in houses and see if they have any scrap lengths.  Also look on Facebook Marketplace for leftover pieces.   I had no difficulty sharing a roll of it with other Hooper enthusiasts as the sport is growing in popularity.  One roll makes about 90
hoop arches which seems a lot but I'm using up my second  600' roll now!  

Regular PEX flexible plumbing pipe can also be used and will do the job suitably but it cannot be bent into the exact shape you may prefer.  

To watch the sport blossum and see so many people become interested in learning about the sport is exciting.  What is important is to get out as many hoops as possible.  The initial instruction to get started is simple and available from many enthusiasts and on YouTube.

Hoops are 36" high and 34-36" wide for regulation competitions.

This 3/4 " CPVC pipe is only available at Home Hardware.   One 10' piece of PVC pipe will make
two Hoops with the tennis ball on one leg, or one Hoop with two pairs of feet.
contact us for more HOOPERS info and instruction!


Chaparral's Teenie Tiny Musko

Chaparral's Quintessential Miss Breska

Carolyn does Agility with her two Pyr Sheps, Musko and Breska.  


"Rally" performed all over North America with Superdogs
and his freestyle routine is amazing to watch.
Rally and his owner, Angela, were
2007 Skyhoundz Canadian Frisbee Champion


'Liberty' competing in Rally Obedience



Rally & Angela competing in Dock Diving

Rowdie and Jeri competing in Dock Diving


Pierre & Hiver  learning to track

The Pyr Shep is used successfully as a Tracking, Scent Detection and Search and Rescue dog.  He has great drive and a natural  desire to please which makes training quick and fun.  There are many very successful Bergers des Pyrenees competing in high levels of tracking competitions around the world.

"Jinn" and his owner Diana are the first Pyrenean Shepherd in North America to obtain the initial Scent Work title and are
currently working toward higher qualifications in this field. 

We are extremely proud of Chaparral's La Petit Sorcier and his owner Diana.  
"Jinn" is a valuable registered service dog giving Diana a peace of mind to make her life more comfortable.  
Service Dogs and Therapy Dogs enhance the quality of many people's lives.

Nathalie and Sunny practicing Cani-cross

This sport of running a race with your dogs is very popular in Europe and an   excellent way of keeping both you and your dog fit.  Children are allowed to start to compete at seven years of age with their own categories so it has also become a terrific family experience involving people and their dogs!  The dog is in harness and attached to the owner by a leash with a rubber/expandable end so there is some give.  The dog is supposed to run in front of the owner on a course which has been predetermined with varying degrees of difficulties and terrain and length going through villages, parks & forests.
There is also another similar sport, canicross-cycle, where the person rides a bicycle while the dog runs in front. 

PSCA Versatility Bronze Award - Chaparral's Samiel An Sidhe
Sami and Karen are very successful competitors at Treiball tournaments and a multitude of other sports!

Karen competes at the Masters Levels with Tango and Sami.
Watch Tango searching in the video below:

The Berger des Pyrénées can excel in a variety of disciplines and sports.   In France there are many that have earned their titles in Ring 1 & 2 and in RCI.  Several have attained high standings in Tracking competitions and others are used for Search and Rescue in Avalanche and Disaster fields.  Their great agility and nimbleness are useful in searching through ruins, and their
small size makes them easily transportable.  All these disciplines make them a natural in the Obedience arena as well.
The breed has also been used for Truffle Hunting and can find a truffle as deep as 25cm! 
What can't this little dog do when he puts his mind to it---that is up to you!

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